Patentability is a study to know whether the invention is eligible to be patented. It provides detailed information about the patented inventions in the field of technology of your interest.

For an invention to become patent, it should be unique and novel. If its technologies match with any of the patented technology, the IP application will be rejected by the IP office. Thus, before filing the application, always ensure your invention is new, and patentability study help you in testing the IP uniqueness standards. It also provides a list of patented technologies matching partially/completely your technology. Sources used for patentability analysis can be published patent applications, research papers, online journals, patent literature, documents, blogs, books, IP news, etc.

Patentability Search with Market Analysis

If you do market analysis with patentability search, you can have better understanding of the existing products running using technologies identical to your technology, their performance in the market, active players, market requirements, etc. Using this information, you can strategize your R&D operations, invent useful, novel technologies, obtain valuable patents, and earn a lot of money.

There are many benefits of doing market analysis with patentability, and listed below are some of the top ones:

Detailed information about novelty of the invention and patented technologies:

You are not the only one thinking of that idea. There might be several individuals who have pending or published patent applications for that. The detailed reports will help you know the degree of uniqueness of your invention. In addition, you can also get information about the patented technologies and related products in the field of interest of your business.

Making informed business decisions:

It helps in knowing the scope of your inventions and potential barriers for commercializing them prior to filing the IP applications. If you order patentability analysis post patent filing, you can determine whether you should proceed with your pending application or do R&D to do certain modifications.

Saving prosecution time and costs:

The search reports give in-depth information about the research and development done by the inventors in the field your technology belongs to. Thus, you can choose claims, which get easily approved by the examiner, and accepted by the target markets as well. reducing the prosecution costs and time.

Helps in patent drafting:

Patent and market reports are helpful for patent drafters in preparing IP applications, and choosing the claims, which match with the future trends and easily approved by the IP office. Thus, both office actions and application process time reduce.

By Lela

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