Selecting a good real estate agent to sell your home is probably the most important selling strategy that you could employ in order to achieve a quick and profitable sale. A seasoned agent knows the ins and out of the system and is prepared to offer advice and guidance for the best way to sell a home quickly, provide the homeowner asks.

When selecting a real estate agent to sell their home, many people choose to go with the local office or the recommendation of an acquaintance. Both of these are good ideas as long as you take it a step further. Before signing on the dotted line and finalizing a formal agreement, set up a few interviews with real estate agents and meet them first.

Getting along with your agent is important since this transaction might take more than a few days. In fact, in this housing slump, it is more likely going to take several months from start to finish. Therefore, it is important that you get along with the individual who is going to market your home for a sale. Once you find an individual that you get along with and like, you are set to go.

Another point to remember is to steer away from using friends and family members since this can make things a bit sticky. If the two of you have a disagreement during the process of trying to sell your home, it can create problems for you well after the sale. Plus, these individuals already have some familiarity with your home and might not bring the same fresh perspective that a different real estate agent would bring to the table.

As mentioned above, using a local real estate agent is a good idea, as long as the two of you seem to have a sense of rapport. Local agents have a handle on housing prices in your neighborhood as well as the neighborhoods located nearby. They are also familiar with the styles of homes that are already on the market. This gives them an idea of how your home will fare on the market.

Is your home’s style similar to the homes that are already listed? Is it in better condition than the homes that are already listed? Does it offer any features that the other homes do not offer? Does your home have the same potential to sell as the other listed homes?

All of these are good questions and a good real estate agent should be able to give you a rough idea for each answer. If he cannot provide you with some type of information related to these questions, perhaps you should move on and find yourself a new real estate agent.

Ask your real estate agent specific questions and to back up any strategies, pricing or otherwise, that he suggests to you. If he cannot provide valid reason then perhaps he hasn’t been in the business long enough to develop a skill for the task before him. In fact, when you interview your potential candidates, one of the questions that you should ask is to find out how long he has been selling homes.

Another piece of information that you can use to gauge the individual’s ability to sell homes is to find out how many homes he has listed in the last year and how many homes he has sold during the same timeframe.

By Lela

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