The power transformer is electric power equipment that serves to distribute power or electrical power from high voltage to low voltage or vice versa.
In the operation of the distribution of electric power, the transformer can be said to be the heart of the transmission and distribution. In this condition, a transformer is expected to operate optimally (if it is biased continuously without stopping). Given the hard work of such a transformer, maintenance methods are also required as well as possible.
Therefore, the transformer must be maintained by using the correct, good, and appropriate system and equipment. For this reason, the maintenance team must know the parts of the transformer and which parts need to be monitored more than other parts.
Power transformer have various types, click the previous link for more details about the types
Based on the operating voltage, it can be divided into 500/150 kV and 150/70 kV transformers commonly called Interbus Transformers (IBT). Protection, as an example, a 150/70 kV transformer grounded straight on the 150 kV neutral side in addition to a 70/20 kV transformer grounded with low resistance or higher resistance or directly on the 20 kV neutral side.
Power Transformer Design
The frame of the power transformer is designed with metal laminated by the sheet. Set to be a core type or shell type. The transformer frame is wound and connected using conductors to make three single-phase transformers or three 3 phase transformers.
Three single-phase transformers require that each bank be isolated from the auxiliary and therefore offer continuity of service when one bank fails. One 3-phase transformer, either shell or core type, will not work even with one bank not operating.
The transformer housing is absorbed in the fire protection oil in the tank. The conservatory above the oil tank makes it possible to increase the oil falling into it. The charger from the tank side tapped load converts no-turn in the low-voltage current winding for superior voltage regulation.
Power Transformer Application
Power transformers can change from one voltage to another at high power levels. These transformers are used in various electronic circuits and are also available in various types and applications.
Power transformer applications consist of the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. These transformers are widely used by power plants, industrial plants, and traditional electric utility companies. Power transformers are used in high-voltage transmission networks to increase and decrease the voltage. This transformer is generally used to transmit heavy loads.
These transformers are large compared to distribution transformers, which are used in producing transmission stations and substations. Power transformers are used in n/w transmission. So they are not directly connected to consumers. So the transformer load fluctuation is less.
This power transformer is employed as an increased device for transmission in order that the I2r loss is often reduced towards the specified energy flow.
Power transformers are primarily designed to create maximum use on the core and can function really close to the knee point of the BH curve. This significantly reduces the core mass. Naturally, power transformers have corresponding copper losses and iron losses at greater loads.