When you’re savvy enough to have your own company or property, you’re more than capable to do your own lawn care! By taking control of your property, rather than farming it out to another business, you’ll gain so many advantages. Here’s the why and how of commercial lawn care.

It pays to have control: By doing it yourself, you can time when to get things done. Being able to schedule the noise of mowers for off-hours and not disrupt customers, clients, or meetings is invaluable. Not to mention you can’t hire someone to care as much about how your property looks as you do. Having a well-groomed outdoor space is important; it’s the first thing people see of your company. Commercial lawn maintenance done by you, and for you, will reap visible dividends every time you look outside.

Equipment: Be sure to buy machines with enough power to do the job. Saving money by buying less power will end up costing you more in replacement. A lawn mower and edge trimmer are essential. A leaf blower can save hours of time on a large property. A spreader for fertilizer and seed is an important investment that gets those jobs done right. Consider how you’re going to get water to the grass; a sprinkler system on a timer is easily the most efficient way to handle commercial lawn maintenance.

Mowing: By taking this in your own hands, you can mow when it’s needed, not on someone else’s timetable. Grass height of 2 to 3 inches is ideal, and it’s best when no more than a third of the length of the grass blades are cut. In the heat of summer, this can mean mowing twice a week, and in cooler weather, much less. Doing your own commercial lawn maintenance makes for a healthier turf as you mow when it’s needed, not to a hired company’s schedule.

Feeding: Good nutrition is the basis of a healthy turf. Take the time to feed in spring, summer and fall with the right fertilizer for the season. No one else will be as sure to feed your grass with the right feed as you.

Continued Care: Keeping the grass neat by raking or leaf blowing doesn’t just look good; it lets air and sun reach the lawn. Aerating is important too. If the look of coring offends you, use a liquid aerator to keep the soil healthy. It will get rid of thatch and improve drainage. By choosing to do your own commercial lawn maintenance you have choices about what you use for weed control. Using organic herbicides is better than ever for weeds, and you won’t have to keep employees or clients off your grass.

You’ve worked hard to build your company and to be successful. Taking care of your property gives you control over when and how things are done. Noisy jobs like mowing will no longer interrupt the workday when you decide the timing. With the right equipment for the size of the lawn, the job will be easy. Add in feeding and care, and you are in control of your commercial lawn maintenance.

By Lela

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